Renovating a bathroom is a major project that requires careful consideration of every detail, including the type of drywall to use. When it comes to choosing between regular and moisture-resistant drywall, many homeowners are left scratching their heads.
As a licensed general contractor in Montreal who specializes in bathroom and kitchen renovations, I've seen my fair share of drywall dilemmas. Let's explore the differences between regular and moisture-resistant drywall, and which is required for a single-family residential bathroom renovation.
Regular Drywall vs. Moisture-Resistant Drywall: What's the Difference?
Regular drywall is made of gypsum plaster that is sandwiched between two sheets of paper. It's the most common type of drywall used in residential construction and is suitable for most interior walls and ceilings. However, regular drywall is not designed to handle moisture or humidity, which makes it a poor choice for bathrooms, kitchens, and other areas where water is present.
On the other hand, moisture-resistant drywall, also known as green board or blue board, is specially designed to withstand moisture and humidity. It has a moisture-resistant paper covering that resists water absorption, making it ideal for use in bathrooms, kitchens, and laundry rooms.
Is Moisture-Resistant Drywall Required for a Single-Family Residential Bathroom Renovation?
The short answer is no. The National Building Code of Canada does not require the use of moisture-resistant drywall in bathrooms of single-family residential homes. However, that doesn't mean it's not a good idea. Bathrooms are high-moisture areas, and using regular drywall could lead to mold and mildew problems down the line.
Using moisture-resistant drywall is especially important if the bathroom lacks proper ventilation or if the homeowner is prone to taking long, hot showers. Moisture-resistant drywall can help prevent mold and mildew growth, which not only improves the air quality in the bathroom but also helps to protect the structural integrity of the home.
In Conclusion
Choosing the right type of drywall for a bathroom renovation can be a confusing decision. Regular drywall is suitable for most interior walls and ceilings, but moisture-resistant drywall is essential for areas where moisture and humidity are present. While it's not required by code, using moisture-resistant drywall in a single-family residential bathroom renovation is a smart choice to prevent mold and mildew growth and protect the structural integrity of the home. Don't make the same mistake as my former clients; invest in moisture-resistant drywall for your next bathroom renovation.
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